Sunday, 14 March 2010

Exercise and an Engagement

The past 10 days, a friend and I have been going on these super long walks every evening (with my pup of course). We walk and walk till we are exhausted and then walk some more :)
So in the morning, I do some mat exercises (especially for my knee) and in the evening its these walks. I will be renewing my gym membership the end of this month (after I get my salary). So I'm really hoping to see some great results by the end of March!
For now though, I'm not concentrating on weight loss - because, to be really honest, it sometimes gets really depressing. :)
My current target is to fit into an old pair of jeans (they are about 2 years old). I want to fit into them before my trip to China. I'm positive I'm gonna be the fattest person everywhere I go! Haha! Sometimes I feel like cancelling the whole thing.

Anyway, that's that. *fingers crossed* :)

Last week a friend of mine got engaged :) And I'm super excited!! She is supposed to get married in December. Totally looking forward to the wedding! And she's south Asian - so that means an entire week of celebration!!!! Yay! Although I'm part South Asian, I've only been to a couple of weddings *sigh*

I'm also looking forward to getting some 'ethnic' outfits stitched. It's all gonna be colourful and like those Bollywood musicals (I hope) :D

Some photos from Flickr, thought I'd share :)




The one below is a Bengali Wedding - The male members from the Bride's side life her up hiiiiigh so that the groom cannot put the garland around her neck ;) I've seen this in one of my cousin's wedding! It's sooo much fun!


Monday, 1 March 2010


I can finally cross out my first target!!!!! Yay!!!
As of yesterday, I weigh 178.5lb - SO happy! :)
To be honest, I thought I'd be here earlier, but I'm not going to dwell on all that now...the past week, I have been moderately working out (at home) and will start going to the gym once I get back from my trip.
I'm kind of getting addicted to the scales now, hehe, I checked my weight twice today.. and I haven't been eating much either...I think I'm going back to my old habits. Which isn't good, look where it's got me (after I lose the weight, I put it back on SO easily)...So I'm just going to eat like a 'normal' human being. Nothing more, nothing less. I can feel the difference already...I'm somehow happier, my clothes don't feel as snug...I hope I can stick to this permanently.
I just get so complacent, once I start losing the weight, I'm like, "ohhh this is so easssyyyy! I can indulge a little"...and I start eating all the wrong things...sigh

Anywayyyyyyyyy, like I said, no dwelling on bad stuff :)
Hope I can begin blogging regularly like before... :)

Love x