Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Day 2 (sort of)

Went for a nice long walk last evening..the weather was nice (for a change) and Pup was in a good mood and didn't pull on the leash too much (and before you start, I spent days and hours getting him to walk properly and have given up now - he's not that bad) :)
Today, I'm planning to work out for at least an hour + go on a walk.
I don't know where my motivation's gone.. :(

Anyway, will post later today!
Love x


  1. Hi,

    Well done for going for a walk with your dog and actually thinking about doing excersize...urghh I have no energy anymore :(
    Lorella x

  2. hey baby girl! how have you been? i have missed ur blogging! i hope you are well and that you are taking care of urself. ur forever in my thoughts. *hugs*

  3. Going for a walk AND exercise... I thought they were the same thing - Good luck!

  4. @ Lorella : Thanks, in the beginning it's hard to get my butt off the couch, but after exercising, it feels great! :)

    @ Have Faith : I'm back now! Missed reading ur blog tooooo hun!!! x

    @Eternally Distracted : Hehe, I need to get in as much physical activity as I can..my job's pretty sedentary :)
