Friday, 8 January 2010

Hate Mail

Yay! So I got my first ever hate mail! :)
I was amazed actually, because people hardly read this blog - and I was like, woah!
Anyway, this person basically bashed me for being a 'wannarexic'...and that I should stop blogging...etc. etc. - I think we all get the picture.

Well, okay, let me clear things up for everyone..Especially Mr/Ms Hater :)
First of all, I have NEVER claimed that I have an eating disorder in ANY of my entries. I can't even being to imagine the struggle people with anorexia or bulimia go through and I don't want to disrespect them by 'pretending' to have an ED.
My intake is always at or above 1200 cals - and anyone with an ED will agree that for them, that's a BAD day.
I just want to be thin, and wanting to be 110lb - given my height - is a VERY reasonable goal and I'm not starving myself to get there. Just limiting my calorie intake and working out real hard. That's all.
And all the thinspo I post - honestly none of the girls appear to be suffering from an ED. Those pictures are to motivate me (and others) to reach their goals.

So there you are. I'm not angry - just surprised/amused. And NO I will NOT stop blogging :)

Have a nice day all!

Love x


  1. Screw them (whoever they are)!!
    That's so rude! I'm in the same predicament as you, I don't have an ED and I have never claimed to, I eat 1000-1200 cals a day, and I don't starve or fast. I'm just being strict about what I eat, I only eat things that are good for my body. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing wrong about that!

    Keep on blogging & doing your thing. I'm glad you're not letting haters get you down yay!


  2. yep just screw them. this is your blog so you have the write to say whatever you want. i'm supporting you all the way girl. xx

  3. Hey guys, thanks a lot!! Really means a lot!! :)
